Our customer service
Emergency services
We offer emergency services for our analysis of allergens, being able to provide the results in 24h. For more information, contact us at +34 617 27 02 59 or info@biomedal.com.
Personal advising and training
We have human capital trained and specialized in food security. We offer advice and training to companies in this field, as well as help in the implementation of APPCC in allergens.
All services
- Allergen Analysis (Gluten, Milk Proteins, Nuts, Egg, Sulfites, ect)
- Nutritional Labeling analysis
- Microbiological Analysis in Food, Water, Surface, Manipulators, ect
- Physical-Chemical Analysis of Food and Water
- Water Analysis (RD, Radioactivity, ect)
- Analysis of metals (water and food)
- DNA analysis (identification of species, GMOs, food fraud)
- Useful life study analysis
- Analysis of Vitamins
- Mycotoxin Analysis
- Analysis of Antibiotics
For more information, please, contact us.